<<@bikyeombebyatungayves5308 says : Whatever he saying, are the Congolese people who bear the consequences, and it should be Congo responsibility to defend its people? If M23 were fighting for a good cause they should join the army without obligations, but creating a voice within the government to protect and defend the interests of its communities?? Have the people of those areas protest so the world can see what’s going on? Put the pressure on their government and not to a foreign government to come and invade its neighbor for whatever reason . Ask the Rwanda government to negotiate with the Congo government to have a joint military operation to fight against their destabilizers ? There’s nothing this guy has always say make any sense as he’s last interview he said that it is only a matter of weeks or moths for M23 to topple the government in Kinshasa>> <<@VideoderNapoleon-se6jv says : Good job>> <<@Jean-LaurentMAK says : Ce monsieur marc Hoogsteyns ,un journaliste de mauvais goût payé à des milliers de dollars pour propager de fausses informations sur la RDcongo. Il est clairement partial à la cause des agresseurs. Ces propos sur la guerre du m23 montrent qu'il est un mercenaire et non un journaliste.>> <<@uwizeyimanaveda430 says : Rwanda❤>> <<@mopiladominic2874 says : Big big lie lie. Rwanda propaganda>> <<@lafricain6 says : Rwandan propaganda ! Millions of innocents congolese have been killed by these tutsi killers for over 30 years ! And it always the same music : hunting for the fantomatic FDLR !!>> <<@prettylayni5341 says : Mr Marc if the Hutus in Congo are the minority so do the Tutsi in Congo 🤦🏽‍♂️ Stop Smocking too much it’s messing with your brain get your facts together before sit infront of the camera and talk nonsense. You are the Type of people who are causing the ethnic devision between the Rwandese and Congolese people.>> <<@PaulNs-xm2df says : Stupide nonsense keep talking for rwandese government, clowm>> <<@ShingaAlimasi says : Body language shows that he is saying what he was told. So it's safe to say that several journalist, human rights activists and UN report all of them are wrong and this guy who muffler is the only one who saw the situation in which suit the narrative of the government of Rwanda, just like that he is right 😂>> <<@kingjulian1985 says : Merci Marc👍🏿>> <<@felixntabana645 says : Voici le vrai recit de ce qui se passe à l'est de la RDC. This is the real story of what is happening in Eastern DRC. N'allez pas chercher les réalités ailleurs.>> <<@ndofunsubadika1737 says : This is propangana which has been going on for past 30 years ignoring 15 millions congolase killed and women rape every day by Rwanda army Britain is supporting. This is not going to fly on the eyes of congolases at this times. More congolases have killed than the rwanda holovaust, more than the juives holovaust and more than those killed in world war II. So continue your propangana as you have been doing in the past 30 years Continue to support your man Kagame who represent the face of Aldoph Hilter in modern history. The truth will come put one day and your country will be among those countries will apolozise to congolase people. Congolases are not idiot . we know well what is going on. Every Muntu or Bantus tribes are now FDRl in your eyes. Every congolase is now FDRL. You are playing a dangerous game .>> <<@geoffreydereva3647 says : Mr Marc have real analysis of what is happening in the region>> <<@bobkin20 says : rwandan propaganda 😅😅😅>> <<@damiennkaka7006 says : 😂😂😂😂😂✔️✔️✔️✔️>> <<@geoffreydereva3647 says : You really saw the reality on what is happening in the DRC East and North region than what the UN is doing there.thank you Mr Journalist>> <<@geoffreydereva3647 says : Those who died in Kishishe were FDRL Genocidieres from Rwanda who are torturing M23 relatives. They were given guns in civilian clothes to shot M23 soldiers. So M23 defended themselves and killed the majority others ran away>> <<@geoffreydereva3647 says : The DRC leadership is very weak people are are killed anyhow, the Gov't is collating with label groups thats why M23 is trying to liberate their government,get their Rights of living>> <<@sengomajack1680 says : We all know your nonense and Propaganda shame on you and your Master Kagame the own of M23RDF>>