<<@MariaThompson-d7y says : Taylor Barbara Thomas Kevin Anderson Deborah>> <<@DaphroseMusabyimana says : turagukunda IMANA NIYO GUSHIMWA IBIHE BYOSE>> <<@Md.bahizi8358 says : Arahirwa umugore wagiriwe ubuntu bwo kubana n’uyu munyamahoro>> <<@MY1233-h8f says : Uwiteka Yarahabaye pe!>> <<@RubRub-gw7xq says : Umubyeyi witonda ndamwemera>> <<@bradleykhanei4092 says : Mukigande is not a religious person!😂 You can't be religious and hate human beings😢😢😢😢😢😢. He hates Hutus 😂 So the church will be racially segregated and with this connotation, the church will not fulfill its mission of considering everyone equally as human beings as God created them. RPF people used to say that most racists were Mukigande! Number two is General Kagonyoli Kagame and number three is Tito: Tito and Kagame are not lying to Rwandans by wanting to cover themselves under churches as Mukigande does 😂😢😢.>> <<@kambabazilaetitia1663 says : Imana yacu ikwiye amashimwe. Thank you Dr>> <<@MBNEWS777 says : Imana Ishimwe>> <<@emmanuelrwibutso6491 says : Ni ukuri Imana yakoze ibikomeye pe, Ntago aruko turuta abakiri muntambara n’imivurungano, kuko nabo bifuza amahoro, Thx Dr MURIGANDE>> <<@Hugukaofficial says : Utashima Imana yaba ari ingayi rwose. Ndashima cyane Ambass. Dr Charles ubwo yazaga muri ADEPR Cyarwa kunga abari bashyamiranye ubwo yari akuyobora UNR. Impuguro ze zatumye abapfaga amoko bongera kubana neza. Imana iguhe umugisha. Icyo gihe ndibuka ko n'umuchauffeur we yatawanyitse asoje akamubura ariko kwihangana k'uyu mugabo wagira ngo nta cyabaye pe! Imana ikomeze iguhembe ibyiza. God loves Rwanda>> <<@bugabogatwa6518 says : Ibyo nukuri. Reka dushime Imana ❤ Dr>> <<@bonifaciohabby says : Thank u Dr Charles M>> <<@laparole8072 says : Murakoze Dr Charles MULIGANDE kuduhamagarira gushima 🙏 Uwiteka akomeze kubarinda.>>