<<@macairekamba8414 says : What? He is himself the hunting dog of the same Westerners. He is criminal for their good.>> <<@jamesrupere2753 says : Kagame you are the best , unfortunately this world is full of puppets>> <<@BrianMutenda says : Yoo>> <<@ecideek4524 says : Congratulation commentators. Judging from most of your comments you are fine with contributing to cause one of the few stable East African countries to be destabilized. Africans fighting against one another again. Have you no shame. When will you realize that what you are doing is weakening yourselves? It should not matter but to avoid you thinking that I am Rwandan, I am not African, been to the continent on vacation twice.>> <<@GiftPhiri-fn8ox says : if you really just listen, the guy is a true pan-Africanist>> <<@keithmaxwell6941 says : He is a slave masters puppet and foolish man stop the war in the Congo now your family will pay for your wickedness don't think you going get away wickedness>> <<@xkr8774 says : But you kagame started the genocide to kill your own people so you can become president. A real maniac, the blood of people are on your hands.>> <<@amonfoloweza4800 says : The absolute truth>> <<@jjdbulayabulaya3042 says : You are not telling the truth….there is not Congolese Tutsi!!!! And Rwandese came to Congo after the colonial time!!!>> <<@YaNoah-Congo-Bongo says : He’s just looking to make sure, maybe they’ll come to save his skinny ass once all hell break loose for his imbecilic decisions he’s been making, for over 30 years he’s been killing, looting and invading Congo with no repercussions, and building his country with the blood of Congolese people. We know a puppet when we see one. Who is he fooling?>> <<@jonesk.kasonsoph.d.1034 says : Sir, by making yourself as powerful as almighty God with vows like that, what will happen to Rwanda without you?>> <<@michaelmbuyi2252 says : The 1st idiot is you a criminal who was using ubwenge to krool the entire world with fake genocide which himself was a man Orchestra. Shame on you, this is politics now for the past 30 years you have never find someone who challenge you. Go to his peach made yesterday you'll get your answer>> <<@gaga-tc1ps says : Thanks for teaching idiot president kisekedi>> <<@gaga-tc1ps says : La boiement des chiens ne laissent pas la caravane passent.>> <<@michellekabanga3612 says : 😂😂😂😂the idiot calling himself idiot>> <<@Zovu299 says : And the first idiot and manipulator is you Nyangalakata>> <<@muensfils9279 says : Kagame you are a criminal, a thief, crook, Rwanda will pay a heavy price>> <<@FRFA1 says : Kagame. I tell you now for free. Here in England and Europe we are now aware of what is happening and what you’re doing to DRC. Leave before millions come.>> <<@nicomasinda4385 says : You should have putted the whole Video. The whole video was about Congo. Mr. Kagame thanks for the preaching. One must ask though, does the guy have advisors. He should have had a fact sheet to look at>> <<@MarvinICT.Trader says : This guy is the first idiot, who is manipulated to destabilize the continent! He is the gay of occidental who is playing the game.>> <<@mbomanenehmakwakala7970 says : Do You have a problem with Felix ?? The danger in Africa it’s you kagame mutamba will arrest you soon or later because you are a criminel and no one like your politic killing rapping stilling looting. Get lost make your small town the malesia is of the great lake we don’t care>> <<@paulinbill1568 says : Kabila Kanambe was the idiot leader during the past 20years …>> <<@sbm1805 says : So, explain to us what are your troops and your military artillery doing in Eastern Kongo?>> <<@TharcissCiza says : Kwa bahati mbaya mwendawazimu anaona mtu mzima kuwa yeye ndiye mwendawazimu. Sidhani kama kuna rais anaweza kuongea maneno ya shombo kama Kagame,mbele ya camera>> <<@lukungutandahinga7176 says : Idiots are those who think are smart>> <<@notreterre5344 says : This shows the end of Kagame is already at the door , cobalt take over coltan Congolese lithium is the best in the world, American can afford to cobalt and lithium over coltan.>> <<@glodieolela745 says : You are the IDIOT... I can smell your end criminal kagame🤣😂🤣 oko lela na munoko ya mboka>> <<@jkkim3848 says : Si aseme tu Ruto 😅>> <<@yannickkatayisha524 says : A criminal , a dictator and thief who gives lessons. This man is a real shamless idiot so that he doesn't understand the end of his reign is coming>> <<@s.m849 says : “Qui se sent morveux qu'il se mouche”!!!!>> <<@aljinga53 says : The real idiot is you....killer wait and see>> <<@georgekogi5125 says : This is about AUC thing...an idiot trying to convince leaders to vote for them>> <<@marcmulowayil2906 says : It has been tge same in the east of Congo.... We have lived with rwandese for years up to when Kagame came to picture. Kagame enjoyed the killing In congo up to when Congo got a president is calling idiot. Kabila who allowed it ... Time is changing..>> <<@kwizera7876 says : My president ❤>> <<@dannykumalo2623 says : 🙏🏿♥️>> <<@lightbender2769 says : It always has been the case throughout history, the few taking advantage of the many. The few are always good at trying to get what they want. The many believe they can always protect what they have... Congolese, learn. You could be the idiots in this story, and you will be lying to yourself if you don't think about it, for a second.>> <<@johnkabila6617 says : If only he could talk about the poor country called Rwanda, and not always talking about congo .>> <<@mullaforever7127 says : Kagame is crazy 😂😂 dat head operation>> <<@KasendrLukadi-pj7xy says : Kagame must go>> <<@JacquesPierre-x8d says : 🔥😳🇨🇩THE REAL IDIOT IS YOU BLOODY ENVIOUS SOCIOPATH THIEF PAUL HITLER KAGAME THE BIGGEST GENOCIDAL OF THE CENTURY. SHAME ON YOU SKINNY 25KG PAUL HITLER KAGAME. A TRUE LEADER DON'T GO PILLAGING AND KILLING THE NEIGHBOR PEACEFUL POPULATION OVER THEIR MINERAL RESOURCES!!!GAME OVER. YOU DAYS ARE NUMBERED AND SOON VERY SOON YOU WILL BE GONE. THE CONGO BELONGS TO THE TRUE CONGOLESE AUTOCHTONE PATRIOTS. GET OUT OF OUR MOTHERLAND BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR THE YOU AND YOUR M23=RDR=RWANDAN MAFIA EVIL EMPIRE. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.🔥🇨🇩⛔🚫🔥👋>> <<@JacquesPierre-x8d says : 🇨🇩😳🤔Wow! Keep it real. You are the biggest disgrace a true idiot. You are not a leader, you a genocidal gang leader a lawless mineral Pirate State. You are qualified for all you are saying Paul Hitler Kagame. You can run but you cannot hide anymore. Shame on you Paul Hitler Kagame. Stop your manipulation fake leader full of fabrications and falsehoods. The N23=RDF=Rwandan terrorist invaders that are bloody illegal looters of DR Congo mineral RESOURCES. 🔥GET OUT OF THE CONGO ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WITH YOUR SHAMELESS CRIMINAL MAFIA. STOP IT⛔🔥🇨🇩The Congo belongs to the true congolese patriots>> <<@patrickbunduki3477 says : Keep thinking that you are clever than anyone Kagame ... you are the stupid one ... trying to think the peace of everyone in the Greatlake region depend on you ... your days are numbered weve seen the types of Idi Amin, Mobutus ... where are they ?? We just wait until your time is up ...>> <<@BlessTMK says : Kagame is not only a CRIMINAL but a THIEF as well. The guy does NOT have ONE CHICKEN, and yet he is selling EGGS around the world 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Where is the MINERALS he is selling around the world from ?? 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@francismwamba5759 says : 😂😂😂 KAGAME this is your end , tshisekedi is our president and we love him so much here in DRC , what was you talking about how president ??? Zoba yo>> <<@Ballerpro525 says : Le son de la fin.😊😊>> <<@Ballerpro525 says : This sounds like an end for kagame ,he is really scared of what the president tshisekedi can do😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@mensreus says : "The true Leader is one who realizes that he is an instrument in the hands of God and dedicates himself to be a guide and inspirer of nobler sentiments and aspirations of the people" Haile Selassie I - GodinFlesh>> <<@afrodiaspora23 says : Man himself of century modern>> <<@diirestraits4881 says : If anyone is an idiot, it's you Kagame. Not only that but you're a murderous criminal too>> <<@Smiley0725 says : DRC leaders are a bunch of idiots! When will they ever take responsibility and stop looking for people to blame? Outside kinshasa exists some of the worst road infrastructure you will ever see.>>