<<@Twathos says : Rest in peace 😒😒 Bushido be strong>> <<@UwaseYvette-wj4js says : Yooo pole gusa nanziko Ari umwisiramu>> <<@Patrickdragons says : Sorry breath>> <<@mukabazigatheodosie9768 says : Imana ikwakira Mama claude kndi umuryango wose ndawihanhanishije>> <<@dusabefortunee2509 says : Ruhukira mu mahoro mubyeyi Bushali nawe Imana ya mahoro igukomeze>> <<@NadiaBotwey says : Sha uwomuhung wiw aramutanz ikimaz pe😒😒😒>> <<@DianeTumwizere says : Pol uzabicamo>> <<@LoLViralLaughs says : Pole bushali>> <<@ByukusengeHana says : Pole umusa bushari imana niho izi ibyawe>> <<@muhozanadine-jd5hz says : Pole fils komera cyane ntubwo bitoroshyeπŸ’”πŸ’”>> <<@Chrisbarber254 says : Boshido yamutanzeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@dukuzumuremyipacifique447 says : Yooo pore bushar RIP kuwagiye ❀ be strong>> <<@NkotanyiYvan says : I'm sorry>> <<@MuhawenimanaJoselyne-j8s says : Rip mubyeyi nyagasani akwacyire mube kndi akubabarire ahutacyiranutse hose bro bushari pole sana>> <<@ishimweauthentique-iy8gt says : Pole sana bushali birababaza brother ariko ugomba kubicamo kigabo>> <<@RushimishaMuseveni-f1b says : Pole sana brother>> <<@ShyakaeloiRwanda says : 😒😒😒😒>> <<@gwizanaomi3387 says : Mwihangane pole>> <<@bigjjackson1372 says : Rest in peace πŸ˜‚bro>> <<@Kingkovi1324 says : Pole sana my idle bushiπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@nyandwimartin says : Rip πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”>> <<@H.JOSEPH8 says : 😒😒Ese burya Mama wa bushi yavukiye Imuramba home>> <<@DjamaJama says : Pole Rastaman>> <<@ThierryIshimwe-l6s says : Bushido ihangane πŸ˜‚πŸŽ‰β€>> <<@Ganzapatrickofficial says : Rest in peace>> <<@Omar_tv_show says : Yoooo pole sana brother>> <<@MugabeVarante says : 😒😭😭😭😭😭>> <<@Jaydempire says : Rest in peace>> <<@Isimbitvchannel2 says : I can't like this video because it is really 😭😭😭😭😭>> <<@asuperstars27 says : stay strong bushii>> <<@theogeneniyonsenga2638 says : Aruhukiye mumahoro imana ikomeze abe.>> <<@the_man_speller says : Naruhukire mu mahororo umubyeyi>> <<@KennyKreant says : Niyiruhukire mumahoro dixi😒😒😒>> <<@NiyomugengaPlote says : Naruhucyire mumahoro yimana Twihanganishije umuryangowe😒😒😒😒😒>>