<<@AndreScheepers-p4b says : SANDF - A 🀣>> <<@AndrΓ©VanderMerwe-v8v says : We live from ratpacks in the old days .to day the live on KFC and Macdonalds !>> <<@ZxA372 says : 🀣🀣pure poetry>> <<@sonjamarx7144 says : The ecupment is not outdated, it was neglected and no maintanance. The same with the police and correctional department. If anyone say something about weight i am sure they will accuse us of discrimination or racismπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@SIRLEE says : South Africans are in no way capable of engaging M23. But it will take them a few more losses of lives to come to terms with reality. They lack the military advantage, geographical advantage, logistical advantage and morale advantage to take on M23 and RPF. They better sit out this one, coz it’s not your fight. And in any case, you are incapable of fighting this battle.>> <<@andrieshorn4016 says : They eating our tax up. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@andrieshorn4016 says : πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@daniegrove5658 says : This is not a real Army...this is a comfortable occupation...πŸ™„πŸ«£>> <<@IzakKotze-c8e says : New SA defence force is untraind and a shame.>> <<@CraigCoetzee-i3l says : sandf is an embarrassment to SA. The old SADF was the best in the world.>> <<@florisbrand1429 says : That's transformation for you the anc is really good at transforming something that works into something that is collapsed>> <<@tloutlou2655 says : And Again SANDF must stop deploying around unnecessarily like Mozambique and DRC>> <<@SphamandlaRhadebe says : Stop spreading lies!!>> <<@cassyvorster466 says : It's a joke. How long can you be a corporal for and how many generals do you need.? πŸ˜‚underfunded?-what happened to the arms deal .. oh that.....>> <<@ericbivins8014 says : This is funny. When I was a kid in the 1970's the SADF was known around the world and here in America as one of the toughest Armies there was. What the hell happened???>> <<@ericlello2135 says : They look so , because they eat so , and nobody tells them not so , the leaders look so , so we also do so , and very little else .>> <<@petercowan6361 says : Disgusting. Look at their leaders.>> <<@frekkiepatsa3205 says : In the army ,Police and there's no time given by commanders to have time to exercise If they can have2 hours every day during work time to just go out for an hour jogging .>> <<@meadervanwyk4722 says : Which we had food like that when I did military training in the SADF. DOo they take a tlb with them to dig trenches o sorry they don't dig trenches πŸ˜…>> <<@pastorgideontruzindaminist8746 says : πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…>> <<@ZwelibazeJosephStabathaba says : This research is 100 percent correct. That you sre working in the kitchen or being an Engineering is no excuse. The biggest problem is the fat Ex General how will they issue instruction if they themselves are are hopelessly unfit and overweight. Please admit if you are in the wrong zwelimkhize>> <<@ricardosantos4900 says : Fat cats in arms>> <<@christobosman5710 says : Dik gatte, nothing at all>> <<@DavidFinger-t5b says : So true not soldiers it's eating habits and lazy to fat google than we can see Chinese soldiers slim and fit sandf soldiers to fat cnt run so bad army>> <<@MANDLAMANDLA-tx5ji says : It's true most of the soldiers are overweight>> <<@nkunyichetiabiyahmed says : I suspect one south African soldier can eat a sack of posho>> <<@bonginkosigoodwillndhlovu6776 says : Nonsense>> <<@musandasikhwivhilu says : These guys are lazy. They must train or go out of the military.>> <<@mungabwacharlesmubita9933 says : Good research>> <<@mangukalonji4454 says : Dave Chappelle would kill that on stage lol>> <<@zwelimkhize3071 says : This is nonsense research. Every army will have fat soldiers. Not all soldiers are in the battlefield. Others are at weather unit, some are cooking at the kitchen. Engineering unit and so on.>> <<@stevensamuels2488 says : They are a lost cause and a useless bunch of clueless of clowns>> <<@jamesmunyaneza2494 says : Nyama kyoma every day😒>> <<@innocentndimande5165 says : lie’s this soldiers that you’re showing here they don’t go to war they are old,>> <<@kobusvermeulen3910 says : The whole state departments, they are useless and lazy,live on tax money from the few white citizens>> <<@juliamodise5557 says : Chisa nyama, dipitseng>> <<@danielolavi9708 says : It is not only Army's but also correctional officers and police.... This is not only in SOUTH-AFRICA but in most of the AFRICAN countries.>>