says :
Mark , you posses in-depth knowledge for these regions , and analysis is super !! Go on both local and international media houses speak up ,Most westerners got it from a wrong perspective
says :
Marc is right in suggesting that if peace is yo be achieved there must be some kind of autonomy in Kivu provinces and most of Eastern part and not being dictated by Kinshasa which is full of corrupt politicians who can never be trusted again no matter what promises or olive leave they provide to the eastern part of DRC.
says :
Drc useless army Useless government
says :
Félix Tsetsekedi wasted a golden opportunity to talk to M23. M23 should mobilise more fellow Congolese citizens in support their quest for a better country known as DRC against mismanagement tirannie of Félix Tsetsekedi.
says :
M23 = RDF has no futur in Goma Africa stands with people of Kivu.
says :
Kagame agent.