says :
The clearest solution is for the two countries to form one country
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I wish some of African Leaders who send troops to congo must listen to the speech of mukasa coz states the original history of congo
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Those EAC countries are dreaming about our Congolese lands and resources creating fake histories fake ethnic group Tutsi kinyarwanda in DRC it will never work 😅
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Kenya and Rwanda worked with USA to destabilize other African Countries, what goes around comes around . Your time is coming! No lies!
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Mukasa Mbide thats wrong why should African countries contact lawyers to lobby or contact American courts. Don't you think it's a blessing for the America to isolate Africa asa Continent. Olinbye nyo nawe.
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The man has a detailed knowledge of the Great Lakes region. Kinyarwanda people have been there, forever! Nonetheless, the many other people from the rest of Congo (tribes) also speak languages from Angola, zambia, the other Congo (don't confuse me!), and so.om. I winder weither the government has any idea of the grave irresponsible and the subsequent impact! By the way, there was a member of Kinyarwanda speaker, from 'Nord Kivu' at 'The famous 'Table Ronde" in Belgium (please, do your own research!); that was while the country was claiming the independance of Congo that occurred June 30, 1960. How can they brush it out? Is it on purpose? So the govenment has no idea of he fore fighters?. Every one of them should be celebrated. What is his name by the way? Do you know? But, i bet everyone knows "Independance Cha-Cha' by the great Kabasele Tshamala. 'Ignorance is a bliss" so goes the saying. Now, those so called Tutsi from Congo who see themselves EXCLUDED ny ignorant or just tribalists don't know that depossed lands and cows and history can backfire in terrible intetnal wars; it hapened before. Don't do that! Another exemple of service to their own nation is that the Kinyarwanda speakers fought rebels to protects THEIR OWN country,, then Zaire; most of them were from Mulenge or nearby. Mobutu who bravely pushed the SIMBA rebels was there fighting alongside the Banyamulenge. Verifiable! One can't just erase History based on futility. So, my question is, is there any respected law in today's Congo? Or is all that done on purpose? Is it simply tribalism? The new president must know; his own dad, the hoorable and brave Tshisekedi "Tshitshi" RIP could have left something to his son. Otherwise, it's all game that, umfortumately, is costing many lives, for a kilo or two of coltan or gold or something! Meanwhile, y'all still poor. Unbelievable Africa! Why don' 't you wake the f up?
says :
Rwandans, so Rwanda should also negotiate with them. As for the Tutsis, they are also Rwandan refugees, first arriving during colonization as laborers. The Belgians did not want an educated Congolese population for fear of being overthrown. Then came a second wave of arrivals when the Hutus took power in Rwanda and expelled these Rwandan Tutsis. The third wave arrived with Kabila Sr., then Kabila Jr., who is a foreign Rwandan. Yet, we accepted him, even though he is Tutsi. So where is this so-called discrimination? Tutsis are present everywhere and pose a threat to the Congolese Tutsis known as Banyamulenge. These people were in Congo before the Western-imposed division, but in very small numbers. The true patriots among them chose to change their name because their Rwandan counterparts seek to use their identity to invade Congo and exploit its mineral wealth. Rwanda is a poor country, incapable of surviving without Congo. As a result, our Congolese Tutsis, the Banyamulenge, face discrimination due to the ignorance of some Congolese, as they resemble the Rwandan Tutsis. Rwanda and the M23 claim they want to "save" them, but ask a Banyamulenge if they want to be "saved" or sent back to Rwanda—never! They love their Congo, and due to the greed of Rwandan Tutsis, Congolese Tutsis are in danger. Moreover, claiming they are discriminated against is false. It is a Rwandan narrative. banyamulenge are in politics, the military, and public services, serving their nation against the Tutsi enemy from Rwanda. Their claims are illogical. The FDLR are Rwandans, so Rwanda should also negotiate with them. As for the Tutsis, they are also Rwandan refugees, first arriving during colonization as laborers. The Belgians did not want an educated Congolese population for fear of being overthrown. Then came a second wave of arrivals when the Hutus took power in Rwanda and expelled these Rwandan Tutsis. The third wave arrived with Kabila Sr., then Kabila Jr., who is a foreign Rwandan. Yet, we accepted him, even though he is Tutsi. So where is this so-called discrimination? Tutsis are present everywhere and pose a threat to the Congolese Tutsis known as Banyamulenge. These people were in Congo before the Western-imposed division, but in very small numbers. The true patriots among them chose to change their name because their Rwandan counterparts seek to use their identity to invade Congo and exploit its mineral wealth. Rwanda is a poor country, incapable of surviving without Congo. As a result, our Congolese Tutsis, the Banyamulenge, face discrimination due to the ignorance of some Congolese, as they resemble the Rwandan Tutsis. Rwanda and the M23 claim they want to "save" them, but ask a Banyamulenge if they want to be "saved" or sent back to Rwanda—never! They love their Congo, and due to the greed of Rwandan Tutsis, Congolese Tutsis are in danger. Moreover, claiming they are discriminated against is false. It is a Rwandan narrative. banyamulenge are in politics, the military, and public services, serving their nation against the Tutsi enemy from Rwanda. These people are also immigrants, indeed. There is no Tutsi land in Congo, nor Hutu nor Twa. In reality, the Banyamulenge were present in very small numbers, not even enough to form a tribe. The Pygmies are more numerous than them. But let’s be honest: many of them want to be Congolese and refuse to be considered Rwandan. We, as Congolese, must promote their visibility and ensure their protection to counter Rwanda’s argument that they are supposedly in danger. Why now and not before? The answer is simple: the Rwandan Tutsis, with their mindset of domination, see Congolese people as Hutus. Their past did not teach them humility or the pursuit of peace. As a result, their genocidal actions have turned them into outcasts. Unfortunately, the Banyamulenge will suffer the consequences of Rwanda’s policies. Rwandans, we have 450 tribes and live in peace. We mixed thanks to Mobutu. You guys are only three, and look at the result, lol. Dumb people who love cows more than humans.
says :
A lawyer indeed.
says :
One thing I grasped in the answers; to treat the Congo question like the Sudan question. You know as a layman I have suggested that DRC should win by letting Eastern Congo go. Because if Kinyarwanda speakers cannot be accepted as Congolese then they should be given self determination.
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This war will lead to the end of Kagame and his regime
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Quite insightful and informative analysis...Dr. Mbidde seems to have a critically thinking mind, a rarity these days...i would say perhaps to bring it down to a layman's terms in order to reach more people...respectfully...
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@ billyammutora i doubt if you attended any school maybe a poor primary, historically you are writing rubbish.
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This guy is taking trash 🗑️
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Mbidde fought in Rwanda Patriotic Front.
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Fellow pan-Africanists, M23 are organically Congolese. How then can some leaders not see this? Rwanda is correct to defend its borders from the GENOCIDERS. M23 should fanya kazi, wenye wivu wajinyonge.
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M23 is not going to win the war.
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Kagame and M7 will go.
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Keep dreaming, what goes around comes around remember that
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says :
DRC may have economic and security challenges but when it comes to social, culture dynamism most Congolese Rwanda speaking fade away without any social impacts maybe that why many feel left out or discriminated but when are in Uganda or Rwanda they seem to shine away. There is no leader in M23 who can have impact on Congo political landscape without war or force even Naanga...
says :
Go fix uganda, this is another kagame agent.. nonsese
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Looking at your face.. we dont expect you to speak the truth.. same kagame bulshit😅
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They are not congolese. Stop the narative.. we do not have kinyarwanda listed as a congolese dialect at independence.
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This gentleman Dr. Hon. M.M is just a genius i love the eloquence, like he said in the introductions.
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Banyamulenge are not congolese period
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Lies from the beginning to the end. I sometimes ask myself, how can a human being get such energy to tell lies and expect people to believe him? Is this the type of bacteria that affects all the tutsi rwandese? You can keep dreaming of Kinshasa, but this is not 1997 when you did walk for health.
says :
Well spoken ❤❤❤
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These tutsi are dangerous for everyone living around them. I hope Ugandans and tutsi wake up. What they're doing in Congo will soon be your fate if you don't send them to Rwanda.
says :
9:25 this beggar thinks US lawyers will help😂😂😂😂 it was just reveled that USAID payed $42 million to uganda for “social and behavioral change” and you wonder where these lgb people are coming from 😂😂😂
says :
Good interview. The invitee is really very knowledgeable
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Why is every one disregarding the fact that not all kinyarwanda speakers in Congo are Congolese. Congo doesn't deny having banyarwanda as own people, but it says not all of them are its citizens. Which is very true. So we should differentiate rwandese who moved to Congo recently and the real banyaranda Congolese who ofcourse are not a big number. And for Ugandas case, are you suggesting that whoever is capable of crossing a boarder is a legitimate citizen of Uganda as long as he is Rwanda speaking?
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For the courts in America, it has been decided that Trump as president has powers to remove USAID. It has already been ruled by one of the courts in the USA.
says :
Hon. Dr Mukasa, you are amazing. Intelligent, brilliant, eloquent and you know very well the history of the region. My regards to HE Museveni K. I like him more than I like myself. May God protect and guide him. I always pray for him. If some of us still alive, it is because of his invaluable support in difficult period. Thanks your E. YKM
says :
Are you the one develop goma your useless man 😂😂😂 you're dreaming about dividing Congo your dreaming
says :
This are people who think their Good in Uganda yet people are crying you can't get ashamed of yourself nothing will happen the will remedy in goma and soon leaving any time don't joke with tshissikedi because now knows the enemys for drcongo the will not rest until they our country tshissikedi 💪💪💪
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M23 are freedom fighters
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DRC should be divided into two countries so that people can have peace ....KIVU REPUBLIC period
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bastartds !!!! stop creating endless wars in africa because of congo's raw minerals !!! UGANDA AND RWANDA SHOULD STOP THAT STUPID GAME
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Talked exactly what was in my information
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Very Brilliant MP!
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Mukasa only know issues of eastern Congo thanks sir for let use know.
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ADF is Ugandan. FDLR is Rwandese. M23 is a mixed of both Ugandan and Rwandese Tutis. The problem is that M23 is a Museveni and Kagames tool to destibilide the Congo DR. Musenveni, Ruto and Kagame are a serious problem for the African continent.
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You just done don't know tshisekedi and Congolese from the center to west... Congolese have been killed for almost 30 years since the coming of James kabarebe in 1996
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You cannot change something you don't understand are not willing to read about & understand. Trump's intentions are cancelled our by his zero knowledge of foreign policy and how USA was functioning in the world.
says :
Beautifull Discuss..Very Brilliant Mind ..Big up To Hon .Mbidde ... watching from South Africa. He really unveiled the light behind the Banyarwanda and Kinyarwandan speakers.
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come to kinshasa.You think that it is times of mze kapila.
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Museveni-Kagame agent
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Thisekedi need to be overthrown on power for this Region to have peace and we M23 is going to capture Kisangani and continue to Kinshasa we believe in them❤
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Shame upon you mukasa mbide