Impunzi z'abanye-Congo mu Rwanda zigaragambije; zasabye ko Jenoside iwabo ihagarara

Impunzi z'abanye-Congo mu Rwanda zigaragambije; zasabye ko Jenoside iwabo ihagarara


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@UwajenezaYvonne-v2r Says:
Tuzataha beneama
@freekabisa205 Says:
@mbombojuleshassan6742 Says:
Fuck the war cz is for evil occupants
@cinemetro1069 Says:
L'avantage que les Congolais ont sur vous est que, vous pensez qu'ils sont idiots. Vous pensez que vous pouvez les manipuler facilement . Jusqu'au jou ou ils vont vous surprendre
@cinemetro1069 Says:
Les Congolais rwandophones, nous les connaissons. Vous pouvez toujours rever. Ce que vous oublier, est que vous ne reussirez plus jamais à tromper la communauté internationale. Vous n'infiltrerez plus jamais notre pays.
@belysemuzirange2304 Says:
Imana ibafashe peee turabasengera ❤
@hansenlukoko6660 Says:
encore un film ? maudit celui qui profite de la faiblesse des autres pour se faire une santé. vous armés des criminels pour tuer vos frères et condamner les autres soyez maudit vous, vos enfants, vos bétail, vôtre génération, vous ne trouverez jamais la paix tant qu'en vous il y aura toujours cette pensée de nuire les autres.
@lofisikarunga3454 Says:
Les menteurs, rentrez chez vous au Rwanda
@denisenyirandatuje8257 Says:
@cleeedit5010 Says:
😭😭 birababaje Gusa Imana irabizi
@Jomba24 Says:
@myhistorymyproject1611 Says:
What are taking about, why are they not😂talking about what the Rwandeese are doing to the Congolese people, killing babies, open women abdomen , cuting the head of Congolese, raping women and youth in front of everybody,Congolese are peaceful people who welcomed all the réfugies from Rwanda, but among them where their own genociders. Please don’t come with your propangada to destroy the image of😂Congolese.
@Ishimwe21 Says:
@cyurukundoyvonne1735 Says:
Why this eee
@rudasingwagabriel8855 Says:
We are ready to fight for our brothers and sisters is Rights😭😭
@nkurunzizajimmy12 Says:
God look them 🥹🥲😭
@DannyArtPro Says:
English: people are getting killed because they speak kinyarwanda in DR Congo. They are cutting their head off and they are killing them to just have fun. Back in the days they said that NEVER AGAIN but it’s just a word they not making it happen please help share the story if you wish this not to happen to you 🙏🏾😭💔
@jeanettefuraha2854 Says:
Imana irengere abavandimwe
@sendeesupriydewoochiagaliy7474 Says:
Translation please about the refuse Congo in Rwanda (
@Ollyrwanda Says:
Inzirakarengane 🙏
@mugengazamani732 Says:
Ntekereza ko hari umuntu ubiri inyuma, yica mu izina ryanyu maze bigatuma mwangwa mu gihugu cyanyu. Reba abantu bose M23 yishe ejo bundi muri Congo aho bita Kishishe..! Itwika abana b’abasore ifata abagore ku ngufu. Nonese Ubwo murumva mudakwiye kwamagana M23?
@nkundimanavedaste2764 Says:
Abanyamurenge Barazira Icyikoko
@phoebepaulsen2434 Says:
Gabanya Congo Banyamulenge deserve a safe country they can call their own.
@musenreiirufambo7120 Says:
@evangelistusengimanaelie9589 Says:
Manawe tabara kongo nkuko watabye Urwanda hozamarira yabana bawe
@inanatv8444 Says:
Abasa mwihangane kbs
@niyonkuruesther3778 Says:
@Visionstv-f5v Says:
Propaganda wavugango abariyo barikubicya nawe ngurashyaka gutaha
@princee6434 Says:
Inkambi sikintu twasize ibyacu nabacu iyimibereho mibi tumazo imyaka 26 ans irahagije ntawuzatubuganira usibye twe ubwacu nitwe tugomba guharanira gusubira mugihugu cyacu reka tubikore birashoboka kdi ntakuramba kudapfa tuzatsinda nidushyira hamwe ariko nidutatana tuzashira bazatumara reka dutahe abasore twese
@princee6434 Says:
Twe tugomba kugaragaza akarengane dukorerwa kuva kera Aho umukongomani wese uzira ibwokobwe ahoyaba aherereye hose dutegure imyigaragambyo dutere hejuru duhamagare isi yose ibimenye niho tuzasubirana agaciro kacu
@Jodyramer Says:
Tubararikiye imyigaragambyo izabera Washington DC kumunzi ziri America 🇺🇸 umusi wejo
@elielohechoirc.e.putbkigal3387 Says:
Mana dutabare udukize , uducyure kuko abategetsi bacu ntibashaka kudukiza ahubwo barashaka kutumarira kw'icumu, nous voulons la paix durable, nous voulons rentrer chez nous trop c'est trop ntago twasazira mu buhunzi ngo tubyemere
@jeanpaul1709 Says:
Why I am crying 😭😭😭??
@eliensabiyera2131 Says:

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