Scoop on scoop: Why is there controversy over miniskirts in Rwanda?
Scoop on scoop: Why is there controversy over miniskirts in�Rwanda?



@Eggandchees Says:
Rwanda was colonized by Germany and Belgium lets that be clear
@jean6030 Says:
One thing we forget a lot is that the customer perception of fashion is always influenced by the effort of the designers who advertise their products in so many convincing ways that aim at getting you like and buy their products. Let's not be a people who easily embraces everything just because it is from a so called developed society. Why can't they be the ones to learn from you/me or us. The more your eye is fed something so often, the easier it becomes of you to accept it. That's how influence works.
@cathymukiibi5309 Says:
Decency should be defined by our destination, not our origin. In today's globalized world, cultural exchange is inevitable, and traditional cultures have borrowed from Western influences in many aspects, including fashion. Let's embrace the beauty of cultural fusion and focus on the values we're heading towards, rather than judging each other based on where we come from. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and accepting society that celebrates diversity and progress.
@ngabirealine9634 Says:
Best brother ❤
@mugishasimon6098 Says:
Bro ..🥰🥰🥰
@nshutinoble2087 Says:
Then it becomes a point for provocation.
@nshutinoble2087 Says:
Personally, I will say Mini-skirts has always been an intentional cloth women put on to attract the opposite sex from the origin of the Idea in this modern days we live in!!!
@PeterBagirishya Says:
Rauben there is my big brother , he is so cool 😎 😍

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