Dangote speaks out on Visa struggles to President Kagame
Dangote speaks out on Visa struggles to President Kagame



@Mgmgmg-cl5zd Says:
Aliko Dangote da best Afrika ever had fuck damn colonial borders useless Afrikan puppets we need 1 Afrika plus Free Movement of Afrikans and goods in Afrika
@globalismoblackman Says:
We Africans are still living in mental chains in 2024. Vety sad state if affairs if an African billionaire who wants to invest in other African countries has to apply for 35 Visa. The Babylon colonisers are laughing at us. Make that make sense with all this Self Sabotage Syndrome. African Politicians wake up from this Mumu Mentality. Smdh what is wrong us as a people collectively? 😢
@dmedilicious8488 Says:
Africa is a disgrace, the black race is a disgrace
@ambessashield9360 Says:
In Ethiopia, all Africans can get visa on arrival or apply for visa digitally beforehand
@craftsmanspirit Says:
Hopefully this time those grey hair heads of states at AU will use their brains for something good for the benefit of all.
@isaaha6498 Says:
Wise man
@thomassissay5719 Says:
its simply because countries don't want to flood themselves with immigrants from different impoverished or war places it has nothing to do with being black, trust me if we African individual countries can manage to make our countries rich our citizens will not only be given free pass in other African countries but in Europe and America. the point is poverty not a race thing as you put it. till we develop all our countries there should be a mechanism put in place where at least investors and other crucial government politicians can pass from country to country without the need for going to individual embassies or we can develop a special passport where if an individual carry that passport he/she can travel as he/she wishes
@konaguek960 Says:
It's not a personal problem, but it's how Nigerian have been misbehaving in every country they go to. That's why many African countries make it difficult for Nigerian.
@comrade9374 Says:
Nigerians will abuse visa free to other African countries
@matsten Says:
Kenya just put more African countries on visa. Lol
@jeancettie2394 Says:
The continent is still in chains.What is going on with the leaders of this continent? Are we going to continue to live in this continent without any big bang changes? Are we waiting for the white men to save us? Where are the real leaders? Where is the African union, are there new ideas for change and innovations coming from that organization or is it business as usual?
@ghanaboylou Says:
just crazy 🤦🏾‍♂️ thats what happens when you have stupid leaders
@Stoxks Says:
Who is Patrick? What kind of camera person is directing this footage?
@lawrencewordui3925 Says:
How sad!!
@Ceasar8980 Says:
African political leaders are neck deep morons. How does that make sense to any human with grey matter in his skuul? Why must an African need visa to travel across his own continent? And yet our stupid leaders see nothing wrong in that? God damnit 🤦
@daviddelatiare1653 Says:
The whites has fucked you blackies for centuries, wake up
@Thelegendarygood Says:
Very sad reality. It may sound funny but it’s true in Africa it harder for an African to move freely through the continent and a foreigner will easily move freely.
@GiftTrevor Says:
Heads of states in Africa needs to scrap the Visa nonsense. We're Africans, lets move with liberty
@davidlubanga5527 Says:
Stop embarrassing yourself Larry
@odyd6045 Says:
@haske_ Says:
So what’s the work of the AU actually? Aye
@Sam-from90s Says:
A guest having more freedom in your home than you!!
@markehis4741 Says:
Is so sad Africa we hate ourselves and is the reason the west was able to enslaved us till date
@mameboubakardembatamba1877 Says:
As an African living in a different African country I relate perfectly to that. Europeans are treated like kings and queens in Africa, while we Africans are treated like mess. There is a lady (Belgian) asking me if I have the right to work here. She is the director of a HR company in Africa. That lady and I both came to this country at the same time based on AIESEC program. Something must be done.
@davyslanguages Says:
Hummm those are the stupidities that we must stop in Africa for our good. For God sake!!! When are going to stop those stupidities?
@bazilmateru915 Says:
We are cursed for sure
@idiaidia6082 Says:
This is an indictment on Africa leaders
@joshuamubanga1789 Says:
Independence is a sham in Africa, we’re still slaves to a certain degree.. how is it that someone from another continent can move more freely than our very own
@DogonChild Says:
This heavy, where's the full content?
@GoodyJones Says:
That journalist should just keep quiet and let him speak the interruption is too much.
@zeplumber Says:
I dislike having to get a visa to come home!!
@kingjulian1985 Says:
Merci mes frères 🎉
@sonofdsun Says:
Greed of african leaders
@newlife526 Says:
Our leaders are worse and big problem we that we have
@newlife526 Says:
Africa is full of shit
@TK-jj9tc Says:
Where are these African leaders taking the continent really??? Can you imagine this!!?? A French citizen doesn't need as many Visas in Africa as Dangote needs! The 1st preoccupation of many African leaders is "how do we win the next elections?" Shame on them.
@elt7219 Says:
Let that sick in, we don't leaders. Puppets
@yulla7654 Says:
We need full interview
@jkfred Says:
This must change.
@mugishacyizaeric628 Says:
A very nacked truth from Dangote, imagine europeans are free than we are on our african continent
@felixfrexgames8858 Says:

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