Cultural shocks foreign youth encounter in Rwanda
Cultural shocks foreign youth encounter in Rwanda



@fabricendayambaje9408 Says:
Very interesting conversation it would be great to see more of that
@NiyonzimaEnock-c7o Says:
My sister, starring is very normal in Rwanda 😅. We don't staring only foreigners even Ourselves too we do. We staring everyone everywhere 😂. but no judgement for that.
@NiyonzimaEnock-c7o Says:
The girl from Zimbabwe has genes of Rwanda 🇷🇼. She looks like us.
@ruzimabonieck6908 Says:
Good conversation but developing doesn't mean becoming immoral or westernized, if a country likes their culture and traditions, they will keep it, that woman was almost naked, there's no defending her.
@jfk787 Says:
Developing is not losing tradition look at Asian countries that are developed like China, South Korea, etc they still have much of traditional customs even though they are developed. Why is it always for Africans to absorb other people's culture why don't they absorb ours?
@rwubusisi2 Says:
"stopping everything when it's raining, spitting in the public, holding kids at home", I totally agree with this 🤣 but staring at body parts when they are out and visible is something that my fellow Rwandan men can't stop. Ladies, get used to that or cover your parts🤣🤣🤣
@cyubahiromichel4892 Says:
We are very much interested 😮

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