Sigaho like yawe unkandire no kuri iyo foto kuri #Musafitv ❤🎉
@ganzajeangualbert2894 Says:
@2iCCe Says:
@kriss_rwanda4362 Says:
Bull dog ft Israel mbonyi 🔥
@niyonzimajeanclaude2881 Says:
@skaterbandeko Says:
Hip hop urayifasha nukuri blood keep it up movement yawe ninkiya MC p wamamaye wahashize bless up #Emmy
@coolguysworldwide829 Says:
Bull D.O.GG the OG
@shyakabienvenu2338 Says:
🐐 G.O.A.T
@omariissadjabari Says:
@alexiskayiranga6698 Says:
Notolias se njarimaba bibero bikikiye abarwayi jisho ryuruvu ndagufana
@hanomedia Says:
*Mwarakoze cyane Kuduha iriya Gift, burya umusaza azahora ari umusaza, hariya twarayamanitse cuz big up*
@theogenenyabenda Says:
bull dog the king hip hop east afriq,🇧🇮turakwemera.
@NkusiFred Says:
Who are the best rappers of all time in Rwanda (abareperi bibihe byose mu Rwanda mu buhanga cg impano zikurikira)a) lyrics (message, storry telling, club banger, love song , diss track) 1.jay Polly(ibyubona, umupfumu uzwi) 2.bull dogg (customer care, umushonji uguye isari)3.P FLa(naguye imbaraga)4.Fire man (mama Rwanda)5.Rider man (umurashi)6.Green p(kwicuma both green p verse)(umunsi wimperuka remix)street disciples, ntakuri mbona) 7. Neg g the general (freestyle battle won vs skizzy, vs rider man) kuri 88.3 fm city radio 8.diplomate ( umunsi ucyeye) 9.ama G the black ( uruhinja ft Gisa kiganzo) 10 jay c ( isi sijiru ft fireman) 11. BABLY the bible verses ( isahani , isezerano rya KERA ) ( the pretty underrated rapper) 12.pacson ( ibaruwa ft meddy, ghetto soldier ft jay Polly). . Ni abahe baraperi badafite impano ( the worst rappers ibihe byose 100% 0respect for wackest song and their rapping 1. BUSHALi2. Cyangwe lewis3ace nova4. Kenny k shot.5Zeo trap6. Ish Kevin 7.hollix8.pilato9.native democrazy10. Masho mampa
@shyakaprotogene1office Says:
Bull dog no.1
@GasaboRealEstate Says:
@IradukundaJackson-mv2hi Says:
Kimo imana iguhe ubuzima kko nturanteguha kuva nahitamo niwoe wanjye kbs courage
@johnMutsinzi Says:
Turn up bull dog for U art
@ishimweelyse9568 Says:
@RwandanHertier Says:
That gospel songs bulldog realized still my favorite🙏