Miss Belgium Kenza opens up about Rwandan heritage, pageant success, charity and future plans
Miss Belgium Kenza opens up about Rwandan heritage, pageant success, charity and future plans



@beaglesrfun5896 Says:
She is Miss Universe 2024!
@jeaninekabanyana6805 Says:
@mushimiyimanagerardine90 Says:
Keep it up girl I'm proud of you and proud to be Rwandan
@Gerard_updates Says:
I really love you kenza
@thecreator4199 Says:
If only you were in relationship with Stromae , you would make a great couple.
@abdulkarimvuningoma1046 Says:
Miss France 2000 = Rwanda Miss Uganda 2023= Rwanda Miss Belgium 2024=Rwanda🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@TheGrateLakes Says:
"In my opinion, we are the most beautiful women." Indeed you are. 🇷🇼
@DaveRwanda-gi5vg Says:
The beauty & brain of Kenza are beyond imagination🥰🥰🥰 she's on the line when God was giving looks 🇷🇼🇧🇪
@Slime-s5p Says:
Kenza❤❤❤ welcome home
@rosinenirere8490 Says:
@TheGene0448 Says:
Welcome kenza
@boss-fu1cy Says:
You are beautiful and intelligent
@boss-fu1cy Says:
Ufite uburanga ufite nibitekerezo
@byiringirojeanclaude-ux6jp Says:
We are proud of you

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