"Gen (Rtd) Kabarebe reveals secret tactics used by RPA to defeat Habyarimana's EX FAR"
"Gen (Rtd) Kabarebe reveals secret tactics used by RPA to defeat Habyarimana's EX FAR"



@claudemutore7904 Says:
Thank you. 💪🏾👏🏾
@HusseinMashuud Says:
Nonsense see your estomac looking has a bag but seen estomac of all rwandeses winch are before you and in the world
@wallejasons6796 Says:
The kisangani congo ugandan Army murders caused by this man will never be forgotten
@matengat Says:
Leaders forged in hardship and battles are amongst the best.. You fought against our brothers 🇿🇼 in Kinshasa but we still respect and honor you GK.
@simbathomu6496 Says:
Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 Military taught him an unforgettable lesson when he tried to overun Kinshasa 😂
@muhammadnawaz5039 Says:
RPF propaganda parrot and killing machine. The west bring young people to brainwash them.
@mukwadishi3381 Says:
Very smart militarily
@TTSGlobal2014 Says:
Thanks to PL and RPA! The ideology was supernatural and bravery chased! Thanks to RPA and entire management! PK always and forever ❤️
@JAh921 Says:
😢😢😢when you talk about handing over is so heartbreaking 💔... 100 years man.. atleast
@Facts-n7y Says:
This man is a national treasure 🫡🫡
@fredericmulika860 Says:
Great African military history. Thanks to President Kagame, the entire leadership,, and the RPA for bringing peace to Rwanda.
@kayihurastephen1232 Says:
RDF viva,RPF viva.
@kipapula6838 Says:
This is why other brothers and sisters are jealous of. Seeing a General humbly talking to the new generation and instilling something not touchable but will forsure see these young people develop a heart of good will to change their country. Thank you to the Leadership of Rwanda, you are the reason why Rwanda will go into the first world and be secure of it's security with such leaders like General James Kabarebe
@hakorimanavenant7351 Says:
@todachbaton6812 Says:
Thank you dear Gen JK for briefing our young Generation hope they will be more motivated to preserve and protect what have been achieved over the years.
@Kthusler Says:
Never forget or fail those who gave their lives for the country! A powerful sentence.
@bonnymuhire2701 Says:
Home land

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