SADC's secret support to FDLR exposed
SADC's secret support to FDLR exposed



@DubaSangara Says:
@MthulisiMlilo-jv1gj Says:
Why one sided evaluate from both reporting
@balukuroben7458 Says:
You expect the DRC government to seat and watch a rebel group armed by Rwanda to overthrow them? It is only right for Kinshasha to use all available means to fight against M23/RDF.
@nelsonveryinspiringsongver8042 Says:
Propaganda of Kagame, he has been doing that for along time, its unfortunate that online platforms in Reanda are used by the government to spread cheap propaganda
@nelsonveryinspiringsongver8042 Says:
This is propaganda just, FDLR story by your country is over hyped, stop propaganda, uts very cheap. M23 are fighting sode by side with RDF for DRC minerals which are smuggled thru Rwanda your county
@reubenbensonmbedzi9000 Says:
War has two sides. Mercenaries FDLR SADAC forces were united against RDF and M23.
@ObjectTurmoil Says:
You cannot fool people anymore
@ObjectTurmoil Says:
@SiphoMabhena-c2m Says:
Very true. SADCC has a history of supporting terrorism. Look at Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
@ThandiweGulwa Says:
@ThandiweGulwa Says:
Propaganda if Kagame,he now realises that he us exposed.
@eastafricanist9156 Says:
This video needs to be seen by as many as possible
@Saveyourlife723 Says:
The truth needs to be told and revealed

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