The clearest solution is for the two countries to form one country
@DrChibotu Says:
I wish some of African Leaders who send troops to congo must listen to the speech of mukasa coz states the original history of congo
@fantakim8316 Says:
Kenya and Rwanda worked with USA to destabilize other African Countries, what goes around comes around . Your time is coming! No lies!
@tesanic Says:
Mukasa Mbide thats wrong why should African countries contact lawyers to lobby or contact American courts. Don't you think it's a blessing for the America to isolate Africa asa Continent. Olinbye nyo nawe.
@AdminMozecco Says:
A lawyer indeed.
@AdminMozecco Says:
One thing I grasped in the answers; to treat the Congo question like the Sudan question. You know as a layman I have suggested that DRC should win by letting Eastern Congo go. Because if Kinyarwanda speakers cannot be accepted as Congolese then they should be given self determination.
@francoissg Says:
Quite insightful and informative analysis...Dr. Mbidde seems to have a critically thinking mind, a rarity these days...i would say perhaps to bring it down to a layman's terms in order to reach more people...respectfully...
@twahirwafrancis3268 Says:
@ billyammutora i doubt if you attended any school maybe a poor primary, historically you are writing rubbish.
@chairleschomba6644 Says:
This guy is taking trash 🗑️
@ugandatalampya1777 Says:
Mbidde fought in Rwanda Patriotic Front.
@omutsyabandi4869 Says:
Fellow pan-Africanists, M23 are organically Congolese. How then can some leaders not see this? Rwanda is correct to defend its borders from the GENOCIDERS. M23 should fanya kazi, wenye wivu wajinyonge.
@britainantony8932 Says:
M23 is not going to win the war.
@Wasaba_01 Says:
Keep dreaming, what goes around comes around remember that
@MveGuardhouse-l2i Says:
DRC may have economic and security challenges but when it comes to social, culture dynamism most Congolese Rwanda speaking fade away without any social impacts maybe that why many feel left out or discriminated but when are in Uganda or Rwanda they seem to shine away. There is no leader in M23 who can have impact on Congo political landscape without war or force even Naanga...
@Redpill-bible Says:
They are not congolese. Stop the narative.. we do not have kinyarwanda listed as a congolese dialect at independence.
@kwizerafaith1982 Says:
This gentleman Dr. Hon. M.M is just a genius i love the eloquence, like he said in the introductions.
@kamsoo3482 Says:
Banyamulenge are not congolese period
@tuyishimefaustin-q1p Says:
Well spoken ❤❤❤
@Ducedaily Says:
9:25 this beggar thinks US lawyers will help😂😂😂😂 it was just reveled that USAID payed $42 million to uganda for “social and behavioral change” and you wonder where these lgb people are coming from 😂😂😂
@IgnaciusKay-x1g Says:
Good interview. The invitee is really very knowledgeable
@myaafrica Says:
Why is every one disregarding the fact that not all kinyarwanda speakers in Congo are Congolese. Congo doesn't deny having banyarwanda as own people, but it says not all of them are its citizens. Which is very true. So we should differentiate rwandese who moved to Congo recently and the real banyaranda Congolese who ofcourse are not a big number.
And for Ugandas case, are you suggesting that whoever is capable of crossing a boarder is a legitimate citizen of Uganda as long as he is Rwanda speaking?
@myaafrica Says:
For the courts in America, it has been decided that Trump as president has powers to remove USAID. It has already been ruled by one of the courts in the USA.
@innocentm9526 Says:
Hon. Dr Mukasa, you are amazing. Intelligent, brilliant, eloquent and you know very well the history of the region. My regards to HE Museveni K. I like him more than I like myself. May God protect and guide him. I always pray for him. If some of us still alive, it is because of his invaluable support in difficult period. Thanks your E. YKM
@Bhangutuelongakilonga Says:
Are you the one develop goma your useless man 😂😂😂 you're dreaming about dividing Congo your dreaming
@Bhangutuelongakilonga Says:
This are people who think their Good in Uganda yet people are crying you can't get ashamed of yourself nothing will happen the will remedy in goma and soon leaving any time don't joke with tshissikedi because now knows the enemys for drcongo the will not rest until they our country tshissikedi 💪💪💪
@niwamanyatrevor4645 Says:
M23 are freedom fighters
@niwamanyatrevor4645 Says:
DRC should be divided into two countries so that people can have peace ....KIVU REPUBLIC period
@Muntwash_Wabant Says:
bastartds !!!! stop creating endless wars in africa because of congo's raw minerals !!! UGANDA AND RWANDA SHOULD STOP THAT STUPID GAME
@ntayombapaul1391 Says:
Talked exactly what was in my information
@EgideNshimiyimana-vp1px Says:
Very Brilliant MP!
@erobert693 Says:
Mukasa only know issues of eastern Congo thanks sir for let use know.
@ziontabernaclelusakazambia2132 Says:
You just done don't know tshisekedi and Congolese from the center to west... Congolese have been killed for almost 30 years since the coming of James kabarebe in 1996
@finance4kids293 Says:
You cannot change something you don't understand are not willing to read about & understand. Trump's intentions are cancelled our by his zero knowledge of foreign policy and how USA was functioning in the world.
@eddyjakesjr5391 Says:
Beautifull Discuss..Very Brilliant Mind ..Big up To Hon .Mbidde ... watching from South Africa.
He really unveiled the light behind the Banyarwanda and Kinyarwandan speakers.
@ndofunsubadika1737 Says:
come to kinshasa.You think that it is times of mze kapila.
@Gunnerz0304 Says:
Museveni-Kagame agent
@ValoisArchitects Says:
Thisekedi need to be overthrown on power for this Region to have peace and we M23 is going to capture Kisangani and continue to Kinshasa we believe in them❤